How should I approach Green & Me?

Green & Me is by no means a comprehensive guide to living sustainably. This blog is intended to be a starting point, a kick-starter for your personal journey. Sustainability is a lifestyle choice and a world view. Because of this nature of sustainability, there are many facets of your life that can be seen through the sustainability lenses. Green & Me only addresses eight of these facets under the Topics section.

Use Green & Me to help build a foundation of how sustainability can take form in your lifestyle and what it means to be sustainable.


Advice for beginning the journey of a sustainable lifestyle:

Starting this journey can seem daunting, but remember, a sustainable lifestyle is just a habit. Like any habit, you must train yourself before it seems like second nature.

Think of beginning to live sustainability as starting a new work out routine. When you go to the gym for the first time in two months do you push yourself with the same intensity that you did when you had been training for months? No, of course not! At first you take it slow. Then, once you build up your strength and endurance, what seemed hard initially is now painless. The same is true for your journey of a sustainable lifestyle: Take it slow.

Starting this journey can seem like a radical shift in your day-to-day habits, but it does not have to be. Start by trying one Topic at a time then adding more Topics to your lifestyle once they seem second nature. For example, first start your journey by recycling everyday. After a few days or weeks you will not even have to question whether or not that bottle is recyclable in Charlottesville; you will have built habitual knowledge. Now that recycling is an easy task for you, perhaps move on to composting. Continue this pattern until you have gone through the eight Topics. This process will make the lifestyle shift natural and intuitive.

Best of luck and congratulations on beginning your journey.

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